Mind your own damn b̶u̶s̶i̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ mind!

What you think of me is none of my business

— Terry Cole Whittaker

The first time I read this quote, I was… I’m not gonna lie… miffed. I mean, really?! How RUDE! What in the WORLD is she talking about?

I first read this book when I was recovering from a very difficult divorce years ago. I made it through this time by reading many books that I still refer to, to this day.

It was the first time I had ever heard of the concept of “thought management”. I remember thinking this was like some kind of sorcery. Some kind of magical idea that only the very lofty thinkers of the world could do.

You know what I mean… reading rooms filled with people speaking in whispery tones — monks in the middle of nowhere on top of gorgeous mountains repeating meditational phrases — priests and nuns in deep passionate prayer surrounded by lovely statues of saints… THOSE kinds of wonderful, brilliant humans can control their thoughts and create their present state of mind.

Not me.

Still, I was intrigued, so I tried it out.

I started practicing saying things to myself. I began ever so slowly, listening to the words I was saying and when they were crappy (and they were a LOT back then) I reframed them and said them again. If I couldn’t reframe, I learned to say “cancel”.

This has now become my regular practice. Over the years it has saved me and helped me through some very tough times.

Friends, I welcome you to add this to your life if you don’t already do this. Be extremely careful and thoughtful with the words you allow your mind to say and that you say aloud.

Fervently guard and protect your mind for the success and happiness of your life, family, and business.

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